by nanine | Oct 19, 2011 | Editorial Assignments, Food, Giving Back
If you know me, you know I love food, cooking, dining out and collecting cook books! I also love to tell stories of people who give back, pay it forward or contribute to their community. So I was thrilled to work with South Park Magazine this month to photograph two...
by nanine | Sep 21, 2011 | Editorial Assignments, Food
I am so pleased to share with you my latest client, SouthPark Magazine, a gorgeous, smartly written, edited. photographed and designed slick shiny magazine put out by the Charlotte Observer company. I am honored to work with such a great team of editors, and my...
by nanine | Sep 2, 2010 | Food, Garden, Home Decor, Portraits_Children, Portraits_Family, Travel
Happy September! Amid the hubub of back-to-school and a scheduled life, my mind wanders back to the beautiful summer we had. Let’s see … we traveled by planes, trains and automobiles to islands, beaches, pools, museums, parks and saw family, friends and...
by nanine | Jun 18, 2010 | Food, Giving Back
Enjoy cooking and helping others? Please consider purchasing what promises to be an incredible cookbook put together by some special Charlotte Moms to benefit KinderMourn – a non-profit that helps parents and children deal with infant & child loss. To...