Happy February y’all! After a fun winter vacation to Hawaii, we’ve hit the ground running at Nanine Hartzenbusch Photography. I’m excited to share all the changes with you! We have redesigned this blog for a cleaner, updated look that focuses on photography! We simplified my monthly newsletter with a lighter, easier to read format. I’ll be freshening up my website portfolios with new images, new sessions & simplified, streamlined portrait products and collections, so stay tuned! Starting next week, you’ll see blog posts of my favorite recent images: Senior portraits, Family portraits & a sweet baby and her siblings.
I love to photograph when I travel, I’m challenged to see the world around me a little differently. What makes it unique? How does the light look? Color? Texture? My eyes are always on the move to find a special image that captures a sense of place. That said, here are some of my favorite images from Hawaii ~